There are countless myths about India and a wrong perception about the Nation. While ISRO is making quite a mark on the world, people worldwide still hold several misconceptions about India.
For example, Indian people are all brown-skinned and tanned, but that’s furthest from the truth. Let’s delve into various myths, misconceptions and other aspects of India, especially for first-time travellers or people who are planning a tour to India:
1. India Isn’t Safe For The Traveller
No country in the world is 100% safe for anyone. However, the Indian police force and other authorities aim to provide top-notch security for the tourists to promote more tourism.
The country also focuses on diplomatic and foreign relations. You will find more courteous people in India than troublemakers.
2. People Don’t Know English In India

One of the common myths about India is that people in India don’t know English. The language is spoken vastly across the nation, and an average citizen can hold a conversation. Moreover, the guides are highly qualified with multi-lingual proficiency (in most cases) to assist as translators.
3. There Is An ‘Indian’ Language
Among many Misconceptions about India, there’s a belief that there is an Indian language. Often, Hindi is misunderstood as the Indian Language. But that’s not the case. India is a land full of multiple languages and dialects. While Hindi is most commonly spoken, people also speak English, Tamil, Persian, Urdu, Punjabi, and many other languages.
4. There Isn’t Electricity And Internet In India

On your first time tour to India, you will be surprised to note that India is a technologically advanced nation. While there’s a myth that India has a poor power supply and circulation, the truth is further from it. There is also 5G internet connectivity, which is often cheaper than other nations in the world. You can enjoy public wifi and all forms of connectivity.
5. There Are Cows & Animals Everywhere In The Streets

India is a free nation, and people have a firm belief that even animals have the freedom to walk. While you will come across sightings of cows, dogs, and other animals, they aren’t overpopulating. You won’t find them all the time blocking your path or causing trouble. There is a proper control system established in India.
6. There Are Only Snake Charmers & Elephants In India

Many people who come from Europe or the UK tend to believe that they will find too many snake charmers who also dance like snakes. That there will be Elephants everywhere, much like cows. However, it is entirely different, while there are snake charmers and elephants in India, you won’t find them everywhere.
7. You Can Only Find Vegetarian Food In India

India has a Mediterranean diet to offer to tourists. While you will find Vegans, Vegetarians, and other diet-preferred individuals and cultures, India hosts all forms of food options. With rich Mughal History and the finest dining areas in the country, you can find a palette that will satiate you without any trouble.
8. There Is Only Spicy Food or Curry In India
While it’s true that Indian people tend to use spices and have a higher tolerance for them, they also take care of a tourist’s requirements. You will find many places that sell low-spice food. If you’re unsure, all you need to do is ask the restaurant not to add spice to it or keep it mild for you. Then you can enjoy your favourite food.
9. Everyone In India Is A Yoga Guru

These myths about India mainly originated from a vast representation of Indian culture and characters in the media (stereotypically). While Yoga originates from India, not everyone practices it, and many tend to lead a different kind of active lifestyle.
10. Everyone In India Wears The Red Dot & Earrings

Indeed, you will find Tika or Tilak on the forehead of the Temple visitors. There are plenty of people with earrings, nose piercings, and more. However, everyone in India has a choice, and they may choose not to get piercings or tilak. There are different religions and cultures, and Indian people focus on the freedom of choice and expression.
11. India Is Too Overpopulated To Travel Conveniently
Many people are reluctant during their first tour due to the overpopulation in India. They are afraid of the crowd, but India doesn’t host crowds everywhere. Despite the population density, you will be surprised to see how free it feels to move and travel in India.
12. Only Arranged Marriage Is Allowed In India
Arranged Marriage is a conventional and cultural practice in India. However, Indian people have complete freedom to date and marry someone they like. Arranged Marriage isn’t forced upon people. It is just one of the options available for a person (or any gender) to settle down.
13. Hinduism Is The Only Religion In India

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India doesn’t host a singular religion. You will find Sikhs, Muslims, Christians, Persians, Jews, and many other religions in India alongside Hindus. Each religion has its holy place without any trouble or issues. You have the freedom to practice your religion.
14. India Is The Nation of Slums, Villages, & Poverty
One of the common misconceptions about India is that it is full of Slums, Villages, Small towns, dust, first, and poverty. Once again, this is due to the mass media and portrayal of Indian people and locations. India hosts an array of metropolitan and smart cities. It has a vast infrastructure that is on par with many leading countries.
15. There Is a Lack of Toilets & Hygiene In India

The government of India has worked extensively to provide Public Toilets that are clean and well-maintained throughout the Nation. Most are free for you to use or have a minimal cost. Indian establishments (like Hotels, Resorts, and Malls) also practice regular sanitation and cleanliness. You don’t have to worry about poor hygiene at all.
16. You Will Face Discrimination Due To Caste System
The caste system has dominated the Indian social standards for decades, but it has undergone a significant shift. Since its abolishment, Indian people have grown more liberal and accepting of each other. Unity is the primary practice in India.
17. India Is Located In The Middle-East
India is part of Asia, and it is located south of the continent. It isn’t located in the Middle East. The misconception is due to the portrayal of deserts, Arabic music, and clothing styles seen in many movies and shows. That’s mainly due to the Mughal Hisotry’s influence.
18. Indian People Are Socially Awkward
It is one of the funnier myths about India. Even Raj from Big Bang Theory is shown to be an awkward boy. Yet, many Indias are warm, welcoming, and confident in conversations. Most follow general guidelines of being respectful towards others and giving them space, which may be mistaken for being socially awkward.
19. India Is Too Hot With Deserts, Dirts & Mud Everywhere
Whether you’re from the US, the UK, or Europe, India does have a varying temperature. Summer can be hot to travel, but you can use AC Vehicles. Winters are a great time, but it can get too cold, too. India has a varying temperature from the frigid Himalayas to the scorching Sahara and humid Kolkata. It all comes down to the weather you prefer.
20. The Taj Mahal Is The Only Place To Visit In India

Once you take your first tour of India, you will realize that India has much more to offer than just the Taj Mahal. Not only the architecture or history but you will be mesmerized by the pristine mountains in the Himalayan Range. You will love the unison of rivers in Udaipur. There are so many astonishing places in India that you will want to explore more. But you can only realize it when you travel to the country and take a tour first.